Monday, December 27, 2010

Feast of St John the Apostle

Today, December 27, is the Feast of St John, the "beloved disciple", Apostle, and Evangelist.

Fish Eaters explains:
St. John was the son of Zebedee and Salome, and the brother of St. James the Greater (Feast day: 25 July) who, together, were given the nickname "Boanerges" ("Sons of Thunder") by Christ Himself. The men of Zebedee's family were fishermen, and it is possible that SS. John and James were disciples of St. John the Baptist when they encountered the One of Whom the Forerunner spoke. They were called just after SS. Peter and Andrew -- two other fishermen brothers -- left everything behind to follow Jesus, and SS. Peter, James, and John had the most prominent positions of all the Apostles.
A tradition associated with this feast day is the family members sharing a cup of wine (it may be boiled with sweet spices first to remove alcohol) with the toast, "Drink the love of St John." See more at the Fish Eaters link, above, and at Catholic Culture: St John the Evangelist.

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